Power washing our lives

Recently, I have been power washing the driveway and the walkway to my front door. I bought a power washer because the driveway under some bushes needed deep cleaning. I happen to love doing this. It’s satisfying to see the clear difference it makes. As I started on the walkway, I actually didn’t think it was that dirty. It was! God stopped me in my tracks to show me I was missing some things he wanted me to stop, like worrying and trying to figure out how to take of myself financially.

It’s the same with the sin in our lives. We are usually more aware of the big things God points out that we need to work on – drinking too much, eating too much, overspending, etc. Some things may be less obvious to us – worrying, trying to plan without God’s direction, looking around, not up or losing site of hope. These things may be what steals more of our joy on a day-to-day basis. It took as much effort to clean the areas that didn’t look as dirty as it did to clean the obviously dirty areas. Working through all of the mess in our lives is worth the effort. The rewards is so worth it!

As you sit quietly with God, don’t forget to ask him to show you the things he wants you to work on that you may not see. There is nothing like listening for his still small voice and opening a devotional immediately afterward that is about that very thing! God wants us to clean up all areas of our lives. Use your quiet time with him to listen and follow his direction. To me, it brings a peace and a closeness to him that is almost overwhelming.

So, get that power washer going and rest in his peace!