Our Daily Launch


I enjoy watching webcams from around the world that focus on mountains, beaches and water vistas. I’m constantly amazed at the creation God gave us. This morning, I was watching a scene from a guesthouse in the Austrian Alps of the mountains and valley below. It was so beautiful.

There was a man that stood in place for a long while. He then launched an airplane that he had been holding. It looped and dove, spun and rose coming back to rest at his feet.

This is the way I believe God wants us to live daily. He wants to hold us and be at rest with Him in the morning, gaining the strength, direction and wisdom we will need for the day. Then He launches us out into the world where we are now prepared for the spins and loops that will come our way. We will be better able to help and guide others and glorify Him in the process. Then, we come back in the evening to rest once again at His feet.

It seems such a simple process really. In reality, well, some days we have more loops thrown at us than we feel prepared for. Don’t get discouraged. We get to wake up tomorrow and better prepare for our daily launch for a smoother landing at the end of the day!