God Does Speak to Us

This morning, I had read one devotional when I realized it was time to take the garbage out. We have crows in our neighborhood that like to get into our garbage, and I had run out to chase them away several times. I decided to sit at the dining room table to keep an eye on them and continue my quiet time reading.

Now I never, ever, sit at a table to do my reading. I opened Grace Looks Amazing on You and the lesson is about being seated at God’s table. I laughed out loud at the way God shows us He is talking to us specifically. Amy Seiffert is teaching that we are always welcome at His table no matter how crowded it is and no matter who is already seated there. If God calls us to a certain table, He has a reason and will make a way for us. Once we are there, we should make room for others and make them welcome.

I feel God has been leading me to write this blog for quite a while. I hesitated because I’m not a writer, I’m just having fun making cards, and there are many more talented writers and crafters out there. But this is clearly the table where God has seated me. I can’t wait to see what He has in store.

God has a specific plan for us, an amazing laugh out loud specific plan. We just have to listen and be brave enough to pull up a chair to the table. Then we need to welcome others to God’s table.